Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business psychology - Essay Example e case at hand involves a large company engaged in the sales business which is offering research opportunities that allow their sales staff to be more productive. One of the better ways to take this opportunity is to use an experimental approach which will allow the company to analyse the effects of performance reviews exactly as they are conducted within their setup. While the company could use research done on companies like GE or any other large organisation, it would not be exactly suitable for them and would offer little more than general guidelines. The actual conduct of the experiment is explained further onwards in the paper but the overview can be given as a set of surveys. The first survey which obtains the opinions and feelings of the employees would be conducted one week before the performance reviews and the second survey would be conducted one week after the employees have had their performance reviews. At the same time, continual monitoring of employee performance levels would let us understand how performance reviews in the company affect anxiety levels, stress levels and employee performance. There are two significant benefits to the company which are expected from this experiment. The first and primary benefit is expert support and knowledgeable consultancy regarding their performance evaluations and the secondary benefit is the accurate analysis concerning the negative or positive effects of performance reviews on salespersons. The time spent on performance reviews is a major investment which must be undertaken quite frequently as many companies have performance reviews every six months if not every quarter. Therefore, it would be wasteful to invest in the process time and again without understanding the effects of the process on the employees. Writing in the American Business Association Journal, Neil (2004) reports that the primary purpose of performance appraisals is not to seek out the people who are underperforming in the company, rather,

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Social Science Theory of Feminism Essay Example for Free

The Social Science Theory of Feminism Essay The social science theory of feminism is one of the core theories that can help us understand the social issue of people trafficking. Feminism is a collection of movements which work towards equality between men and women in all aspects of life. There are three strands of feminism which are consisted of, Liberal feminism, Marxist feminism and Radical feminism. Marxist feminism is comprised from the idea that capitalism is the root of women’s oppression, and thus feminist move towards dismantling capitalism in order to liberate women. Radical feminism focuses on the theory that patriarchy is a system of power which shapes society into a complex of relationships, based on the hypothesis that ‘male power’ oppresses women (Turner, 2006). Finally, Liberal feminism emphasises equality between men and women through political and legal reform, which is the most relevant strand of feminism in helping us understanding the social issue of people trafficking, as there are many debates about the political and moral plans in supporting our understanding of such an issue, and also our approach towards it. Furthermore, feminism plays a very important part in understanding and solving human trafficking as feminists bring this social issue on the international agenda. The definition of human trafficking can be best described in the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children article three, â€Å"The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability, or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, pp. 28 – 29). One of the main differences between human trafficking and human smuggling is mainly the fact of exploitation, people being trafficked usually have had no free will in their decisions. Although the Protocol may have a definition for human trafficking, there is no set answer to the definition of this issue, as there is no universal nature. There are many factors that lead to this exploitation, a few of the main ones includes, economic instability, vulnerability, lack of education from family and birth order (Blackburn, Taylor Davis, 2010, p. 08). Furthermore human trafficking is linked very closely with sex trafficking as women and sometimes men are trafficked into the country for the sole purpose of sexual exploitation. One of the big issues faced with the social issue of human trafficking is the lack of statistics and data that can be gathered about this issue, mainly based on the fact that many cases go undetected and thus there isn’t sufficient evidence for further investigations (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, p. 30). Moreover, difference sources of information have wide differences in the estimates of people trafficked in Australia, for example the government would state several hundred persons are trafficked into Australia each year, however advocacy groups and non government organisations state several thousand (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, p. 224). As stated before, feminism is a theory that is strongly used in understanding the issue of human trafficking, however within the feminism movements, there are activists who have different perspectives about sex work, which to an extend broadens our views of human trafficking. This includes the Neo-abolitionists, organisations like the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) who believe that sex work is gender based violence, and women are forced to be sex workers, not by choice. However on the other side there are the pro sex workers and alliances such as Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) who believe that women have a choice to be sex workers, as sex work is a legitimate form of labour. Although there are some differences, many similarities still appear that highlights the main beliefs of feminists. Such as within the anti-trafficking strategy, pushing for decriminalization of prostitution, as this can cause many issues, discussed further on in the essay (Lecture, SLSP1000: Problems and issues in social science: Sex trafficking, presented on 2nd May 2011 at The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Dr Sanja Milivojevic). When dealing with a social issue such as human trafficking, complexities within approaches to solving the issue is always present. The political approaches to the issue are implemented by the government, and also appear to be a positive outcome for trafficked people, but there are always possible hidden agendas. Furthermore during times the government implements laws and legislations without the personal interest of the trafficked in thought. However theories such as feminism allow us to also approach the issue in a moral aspect, and understand a broader perspective. In the United States of America, in 2000 the Palermo Protocol was adopted in hopes of addressing the issue of human trafficking, and soon after many other international and regional strategies were created to fight trafficking (Lecture, SLSP1000: Problems and issues in social science: Sex trafficking, presented on 2nd May 2011 at The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Dr Sanja Milivojevic). Furthermore the United States and other countries of the world adopted the 3P paradigm, which is a framework to combat contemporary forms of slave labor. The P’s stand for, prevention, usually the methods revolved around raising public awareness for the source and destination countries, in order to inform and educate them about human trafficking. Protection, this revolved around protecting the victims of trafficking, also in the United States under the Trafficking Victims Protections Act 2000, governments have a responsibility to provide identified victims of trafficking to remain in the country, work and obtain service. Finally, prosecution involves the prosecution of the traffickers. Except, how accurate could the government be in preventing trafficking, if there is not much solid evidence to help improve the flaws within the anti trafficking strategies? Furthermore a lot of victims of sex trafficking have to be sought out, as they will not come forward of this injustice on their own (Maltzahn, 2001), thus locating these women in order to solve the social issue is proved to be more difficult. Furthermore studies in Britain have shown that when detained, only a few women testify, and the rest usually are asked to be deported back, fearful that their exploiters would believe evidence was given against them, and thus could proceed with threats made to the victims and their families (Maltzahn, 2001). Unlike the United States, Australia uses the 3D framework, detention, deportation and disempowerment, which has be ridiculed for governments acting out of self interest, and ridding of the burden of illegal workers in all forms. Also, in Australia some women who are detained for entering Australia illegally, are victims of sex trafficking, however the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (DIMIA) do not ask the detainees if they were trafficked instead of smuggled (Malzahn, 2001). In relation to the problem, even if the women were asked, a few would admit to being trafficked, not knowing that they are victims of a serious social issue. Based on the idea that a lack of education leaves women and children not knowing what they have gotten themselves into, as a lot of women are either tricked into the exploitation, believing they were going to work in retail industries and such. In addition, the government’s system of sending the women back to their home country is a very large flaw, as sending them back without knowing if they were the subject of a crime, simply subjects them to being trafficked again, if not to be a social outcast (Malzahn, 2001). In contrast to the government’s solution of ridding of the detainees, and preventing future traffickers, the social theory of feminism allows for this issue to be seen from a more non positivist point of view. As feminists obviously do not view prosecution as their main priority but instead focuses on offering support for the women who had suffered violence, this broadens our understanding of the issue as we view it from a non political view (Malzahn, 2001). Adding to the role feminism plays in this social issue, although human trafficking usually victimises women, it shows the ability of women to take a lead in the struggles of the inequality of the world, and even put gender issues to the top of government agendas. Furthermore, feminists have raised much awareness of this social injustice, and pushed governments to enforce legalisation (Heredia, 2007, p. 311). For example, it was feminists like Josephine Burtlet that pushed for the first international instrument again the ‘white slave trade’ (Heredia, 2007, p. 12). In addition, there are many complexities that occur when researching the subject of human trafficking. One of the main factors is the strong focus on sex trafficking, and the lack of focus in the other forms. Also, there is a limited focus on the men who are effect by sex trafficking and other forms of exploitation. However, adapting the feminist view towards this issue, feminism primarily believes in the equality between men and women, and thus expands our thinking perspective on that fact that not only women are exploited but also men. The main complexity of researching human trafficking is the access to victims, proper research cannot be accomplished if victims are not willing to share their story of how they were exploited, thus making it difficult to prevent future trafficking from happening (Lecture, SLSP1000: Problems and issues in social science: Sex trafficking, presented on 2nd May 2011 at The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Dr Sanja Milivojevic). In an attempt to combat human trafficking, there are certain patterns in Australia that can be noticed, for example the profiles of victims are usually, women, and the majority of women are usually from South East Asian countries. Based on research, most victims are promised employment in Australia, however whether or not victims knew they were surrendering themselves to sex work is not clear. Furthermore it has been research that upon arrival to Australia women are usually expected to work off the debt they have accumulated in coming to Australia, having to work a certain amount of jobs (Schloenhardt, Beirne Corsbie, 2009, p. 2). It has also been stated that offenders are usually organised criminals, and ethnically based, however these stereotypes can lead to more harm than good, as they provide an inaccurate understanding of what governments should be looking out for. Referring back to the impact that feminism has on the understanding of this social issue, it is evident that the approach of feminism impacts strongly on the possible improvement research methods of people trafficking. The feminist empiricist approach to researching social issues violates empiricism in a way as androcentrism seeps into the social research (Smith, 2010, p. 313), and thus a more effective form of research would be in a non positivist view (Choo, Jang Choi, 2010). Using methods of research such as ethnography, will allow for social scientists to understand the whole story of victims to people trafficking, and thus have a deeper understanding of the issue. Furthermore, if legal sex workers were to be present while talking to victims of sex trafficking, it could prove to be a source of comfort for the victims, as they can relate to a certain extent (Maltzahn, 2001). Moreover, interviewing can be used as a research method to gain a greater insight into the issue; also interviews can be conducted two ways, either formally or informally, based upon the victim. Thus, the theory of feminism can help us understand the social issue better, as it gives us a broader view of ways we can approach solving this issue and understanding it to the best we can as outsiders. In conclusion, the core theory of feminism has proven effective in aiding to understand the social issue of people trafficking. As the majority of people being trafficked are women, and thus, the support behind solving and understanding this issue is much related. Furthermore, feminism broadens the perspective on ways to view the victims and forms of research, such as ethnography and interviews, approaching from a non-positivist perspective, allowing for a greater comprehension of the issue.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Against Mandatory School Uniforms in Public School Essay -- Education

Imagine that you pick your seven-year-old child up from school. He is crying and wearing a different outfit than the one he wore to school. This is naturally upsetting but not as upsetting as your next discovery. His shirt, one you have never seen before, has a large "L" written on the sleeve in permanent marker; his shorts, also not his, are too large, stained and faded. Upon questioning your child, you discover that, despite your best efforts at compliance, your child’s clothing has violated the school’s uniform policy. Neither you nor your husband was called to bring your child a "compliant" change of clothing; rather a loaner uniform was forced upon your child. He was made to change into these alien clothes (McBride "Student" 1-2). The debate over mandatory uniforms in the public school system is raging across the country and in our own backyards. Proponents claim uniforms improve many areas in the educational arena while opponents vigorously challenge these claims. Opponents also cite potential civil rights violations while uniform supporters counter that the potential benefits greatly outweigh any loss of freedoms. The issue of mandatory uniforms in the public schools gained the spotlight of national attention following President Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union address. During that speech the President stated, "If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms" (Clinton 4). The President later visited Long Beach, California, where the first, district wide, mandatory school uniform policy in the country was enjoying seemingly remarkable success. He told those attending his speech that he had signed an order instructing the Secretary of Education to send to all school districts across the nation the newly generated Manual on School Uniforms ("Clinton" 1). The manual outlines specific steps for school districts wishing to implement uniform policies. It also gives examples of a few model policies from across the nation (United 1-7). The President went on to thank and praise Long Beach for their glowingly successful uniform policy ("Clinton" 3). Thus, the Long Beach Unified School District’s uniform policy became the national standard for school districts across the country. Despite the apparent success of some uniform policies, these ... Liberties Union Freedom Network. 1 Mar. 1996. American Civil Liberties Union. 5 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons of Total Scores for All Students: California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu. 15 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons for All Students: Long Beach, California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu.Apr.2000 . "Student Prevails in North Carolina School Uniform Dispute." American Civil Liberties Union Freedom Network. 11 Jan. 2000. American Civil Liberties Union. 15 Apr. 2000 . Tillman, Tim. â€Å"Polk County School Uniform Compliance Data March 1999.† Polk County School Uniform Page. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, FL. 19 Apr. 2000 . "Uniform Incidents." Polk County School Uniform Page. Aug. 1999. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, Florida. 5 Apr. 2000 . United States. Department of Education. Manual on School Uniforms. 29 Feb. 1996. 6 Apr. 2000 . Van Der Laan, Dick. Telephone interview. Apr. 1996. Walters, Sabrina. "Dade Study: School Uniforms Haven’t Led to Better Conduct." Miami Herald 17 Sept. 1998: 1A. News Library. 8 Mar. 2000 . Against Mandatory School Uniforms in Public School Essay -- Education Imagine that you pick your seven-year-old child up from school. He is crying and wearing a different outfit than the one he wore to school. This is naturally upsetting but not as upsetting as your next discovery. His shirt, one you have never seen before, has a large "L" written on the sleeve in permanent marker; his shorts, also not his, are too large, stained and faded. Upon questioning your child, you discover that, despite your best efforts at compliance, your child’s clothing has violated the school’s uniform policy. Neither you nor your husband was called to bring your child a "compliant" change of clothing; rather a loaner uniform was forced upon your child. He was made to change into these alien clothes (McBride "Student" 1-2). The debate over mandatory uniforms in the public school system is raging across the country and in our own backyards. Proponents claim uniforms improve many areas in the educational arena while opponents vigorously challenge these claims. Opponents also cite potential civil rights violations while uniform supporters counter that the potential benefits greatly outweigh any loss of freedoms. The issue of mandatory uniforms in the public schools gained the spotlight of national attention following President Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union address. During that speech the President stated, "If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms" (Clinton 4). The President later visited Long Beach, California, where the first, district wide, mandatory school uniform policy in the country was enjoying seemingly remarkable success. He told those attending his speech that he had signed an order instructing the Secretary of Education to send to all school districts across the nation the newly generated Manual on School Uniforms ("Clinton" 1). The manual outlines specific steps for school districts wishing to implement uniform policies. It also gives examples of a few model policies from across the nation (United 1-7). The President went on to thank and praise Long Beach for their glowingly successful uniform policy ("Clinton" 3). Thus, the Long Beach Unified School District’s uniform policy became the national standard for school districts across the country. Despite the apparent success of some uniform policies, these ... Liberties Union Freedom Network. 1 Mar. 1996. American Civil Liberties Union. 5 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons of Total Scores for All Students: California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu. 15 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons for All Students: Long Beach, California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu.Apr.2000 . "Student Prevails in North Carolina School Uniform Dispute." American Civil Liberties Union Freedom Network. 11 Jan. 2000. American Civil Liberties Union. 15 Apr. 2000 . Tillman, Tim. â€Å"Polk County School Uniform Compliance Data March 1999.† Polk County School Uniform Page. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, FL. 19 Apr. 2000 . "Uniform Incidents." Polk County School Uniform Page. Aug. 1999. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, Florida. 5 Apr. 2000 . United States. Department of Education. Manual on School Uniforms. 29 Feb. 1996. 6 Apr. 2000 . Van Der Laan, Dick. Telephone interview. Apr. 1996. Walters, Sabrina. "Dade Study: School Uniforms Haven’t Led to Better Conduct." Miami Herald 17 Sept. 1998: 1A. News Library. 8 Mar. 2000 .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Significance of Chapter 5 to Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: Papers

The Significance of Chapter 5 to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Chapter 5 has a significant part in the novel Frankenstein as a whole because it links to what happens later in the story. This is shown by the language, setting, character's behaviour, the relationship to gothic tradition and contemporary issues. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which is a very well know gothic horror story was first published in 1818, where traditional gothic conventions are used. Mary Shelley was born on the 30th, August, 1797 and she first met Percy Bysshe Shelley and immediately fell in love with him and later on got married. However society didn't approve with their marriage because he was already a married man and she was only 16 and they weren't married to each other. Victor Frankenstein was born in Genevese, which is mentioned in the opening paragraph, "I am by birth a Genevese, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that republic." The basic story of Frankenstein is about a monster that was created by Victor and when he discovered this he was shocked. Since this day close family has been murdered and the monster has been following Victor. A lot of suspicious things have happened and until the end of the story Victor is fighting against the Monster. The monster finally dies and Victor's ambition is complete in destroying the monster. The past of the novel gives a contemporary significance as it brings forward the subject of cloning and stem cell research, which is a controversial subject matter today. Frankenstein's monster is created by Victor, this brings the matter forward of cloning and stem cell research, as Victor would have needed to do a lot of research before completing his creation. The novel shows that by creating clones, it doesn't always turn out to plan, as Frankenstein's monster turns out to be evil and commits several murders. In the novel it has many modern gothic conventions. In Frankenstein there are boundaries between life and death and emphasise on real horror. Mary Shelley explores the darker side of the human psyche and

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Diana’s Disappointment Essay

What is the problem? Diana Gillen is the General Manager at the Cobb Street Grille who applied and is hoping to become the new District Manager. After being rejected from the first position 9 months ago, Diana was convinced that she had this current position under her belt. Unfortunately, she did not get promoted and she was left to feel upset and judgmental with how the applicants were chosen for this position. This case demonstrates how an individual must learn to express their emotions in an appropriate manner and be open to learn new and effective ways to be a leader. Why do these problems occur? In this case, Diana is not good at controlling her emotions and the majority of the time her emotions get the better of her. Emotions are psychological, behavioral and physiological episodes that make an individual feel the need to react without being aware. Diana’s emotions are present at numerous times during this case. For example, she felt uneasy as she arrived at the Cobb Street Grille corporate offices along with feeling anxious and fear when learning what the outcome would be on her promotion. There were multiple times during the case where Diana showed physical emotions, such as bursting into tears and cringing when she found out that she did not get the position. These are all examples of Diana not having control over her emotions. She needs to be able to work on controlling her emotions in order to be able to react in situations like these. In this case, Diana shows a lack of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and express emotion, understand and reason with it, while being able to regulate the emotions found in an individual. There are four levels of the emotional intelligence hierarchy, which are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Self-awareness is the act of understanding and defining the meaning of your  own emotions. Diana has a high self-awareness because she knows she wants to be a District Manager and she thinks she is the perfect fit for the position. Her values are to work hard and follow the rules that are assigned to her and she shows off her strengths of being able to manage a restaurant. Also, her motivation to become a district manager is present. Self-management is how well an individual can control his or her inner state. Diana is very capable of managing herself along with preparing for the role as a district manager. The down side, however, is that she sometimes loses her cool when trying to complete tasks or get certain jobs done. She is known to be a strict employee but is also very loyal and strives for her and everyone around her to do well. However, when she was told that she was not going to get the position she was hoping for, she let her self-management collapse and began to tear up. Social awareness is the ability of understanding the meaning of other’s emotions. When it comes to being aware of the employees’ emotions and feelings, Diana deeply lacks in this territory. She rarely pays attention to her employees when they have a request, an idea, or even just an opinion. What makes it worse is what the employees have to say about her. The title ‘Ice Maiden’ is thrown around amongst the employees behind Diana’s back. She believes that meeting her financial goals is the only objective she needs to follow, and because she exceeds these goals, Diana considers herself and her performance outstanding. The relationship the Diana shares with her employees is nothing more than a mechanical one. By not being social and working together with her employees, she does not know their needs and how they really think of her. The highest level of the emotional intelligence hierarchy is relationship management. Relationship management is being able to manage other people’s emotions while not letting your own emotions be influenced. Diana fails miserably at this level simply because she is not socially aware of her surroundings. Instead of inspiring her employees to try new things and influencing a bond between them, she leaves them to follow a repetitive schedule and no wiggle room for change. An example of this is when the  restaurant experienced high employee turnover. Diana fired three perfectly good employees because they decided to try a new customer service tactic. This proves that she is not in touch with her employees. Diana knows what she wants and understands how to manage herself along with a business, but when it comes to other individuals she does not perform in an effective way. When it comes to being socially aware and being able to build relationships, she fails, and this is one of the most important levels of the emotional intelligence hierarchy. How can these problems be fixed? Personality: Personality is the view in which individuals are agreeable and open to new things. Looking at the Five Factor Model Personality Theory, Diana extremely lacks in this section because she does not take any steps to build a healthy relationship with her employees. She needs to work on being more agreeable and open to new experiences in order to increase her success as a general manager. When one agrees on situations, it means they are being courteous, good natured, empathetic and caring. She lacks in this because she does not take the extra step to be closer to her employees. Openness to New Experiences: At this point, Diana follows the same rules and regulations, day in and day out. Instead of firing the three employees, she could have been open to a more creative approach and given the new customer service idea a try. In order to be open to new experiences, one needs to be imaginative, creative, aesthetically sensitive, and curious. Diana follows the same routine all the time and should be open to new, and creative ideas that are put forth by her team. Empathy: Empathy is when an individual is more open to others feelings, thoughts, and situations. Diana dictates how the restaurant is run along with any changes that may be made. She is so hell-bent with following the rules, that she is not being empathetic to her employees. If Diana opens herself up to understand how her employees feel, then she will gain miles into training individuals in a positive work environment. Accepting Feedback: In this scenario, employees seem to have many ideas and comments they would like to express to Diana but she does not listen or respond to them. By acting on comments made from the employees, she will make herself more accepted and a better restaurant manager. If she is open to accept positive and negative feedback, then she will indeed have a better chance at making herself more promotable. Lastly, Diana has shown that she is a great asset to Cobb Street Grille and losing Diana as an employee will impact the company in a large way. Recommendations that may be given to the company in order to improve employee relations and managerial skills are as follows: 1. An internal course can be provided to employees to help generate proper feedback that will lead to effect business practices. 2. Employees will be able to voice their opinions and concerns in a private area, which will then be brought up at the nearest staff meeting. 3. There will be open communication via workshops between the employees and managers, which will help build a stronger relationship amongst the two. These recommendations will help ensure that the concerns an individual may have will be taken care of before it arises. So what? In conclusion, the best alternative for Diana to promote herself and become a district manager is to accept feedback and be open to new ideas for the business. If this occurs, the employees will be able to express themselves creatively and Diana will be able to focus on making her business more successful and accepting. The importance of supporting, being open, and encouraging new ideas will be sure to improve the overall reputation of Diana by her employees. With the right future steps and goals, Diana will be able to gain the proper skills and emotional balance to be promoted as a district manager.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Communication Revolution essays

Communication Revolution essays One way in which the world has changed in the last 20 years is the global issue of the worldwide communication revolution, which allows instantaneous communication across the globe, especially via the Internet. Telephones, mobile phones, and Internet service providers have developed allowing a new and convenient gateway for social interaction, business and even political matters to be carried out virtually across the globe. E-mails have replaced the traditional letter or fax, web cams allow you to see each other while talking over the Internet and microphones allow you to have a conversation through your I.S.P. The communication revolution has brought around many positive effects. One example is easing political tension around the world. Important political figures can now resolve their differences or make important decisions without having to travels hundreds of miles or meet face to face. The business world has evolved, companies can now communicate faster, more efficiently, and therefore turn more profits. More businesses can make themselves seen through the internet, which allows a large diversity of companies to emerge. Communication companies like Microsoft and BT are turning an enormous profit, allowing them to make technological advances and offer and develop more services for the public. It also increases employment and therefore decreases poverty in more developed countries. It breaks down social and worldwide barriers, allowing people to interact across the globe; different races, cultures, backgrounds and statuses interact. However, many negative aspects have resulted in this revolution as well. Wealthier, more developed countries (in particular America), are dominating the communication culture. Therefore they are in a way exerting more control over the rest of the countries and as they are so advanced there is nobody to regulate them. Taking in consideration the rate and expansion of communication relati ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Correctional Staff Attitudes Essays

Correctional Staff Attitudes Essays Correctional Staff Attitudes Essay Correctional Staff Attitudes Essay Correctional Staff Attitudes and its Effects on the Entire Facility Teresa McCroskey CJ503 – 01NA Organizational Behavior Unit 3 April 13, 2010 Instructor Colleen McCue Correctional Staff Attitudes and its Effects on the Entire Facility The correctional staffs work environment is largely a part of the issue of why it is hard to keep efficient staff. The correctional supervisor must be able to find solutions for staff to be able to handle the hostile work environment, job dangers, shift work, and dealing with the family stressors. This can cause many issues such as lack of sleep, issues with child care, along with dangerous inmates the correctional officers deal with, medical issues, among a few. This causes many of the officers to have absenteeism from work, and develop negative attitudes, work habits, and feelings towards the people he/she is supervised by or receive promotions before them. Correctional workers work in a unique work environment. (Dial Johnson, 2008) Correctional officers can develop medical issues that can cause them time off work called stressors. These stressors can come from lack of sleep which can disrupt much of an officers day. Some of the symptoms are what is called Shift lag. â€Å"Shift lag is impaired performance. Lack of sleep can cause gastrointestinal issues, depression and apathy, sleepiness or falling asleep at work, and sleep interference during the daytime. Medical issues that can come from the stressors of lack of sleep can cause much disruption in an officers work day. Some of the symptoms are: shift lag, impaired performance, gastrointestinal dysfunction, depression and apathy, sleepiness/sleeping at work, and sleep disruption during the daytime sleep. Women face the issue of cardiovascular and obstetric problems more so then men. Women face having low birth rate babies, preterm babies, and spontaneous abortions. Where men may have issues with cardiovascular issues and sleep disorders. † (Dial Johnson, 2008) There was a study done and in this study there was nine correctional norms found. The nine norms or beliefs found among the officers and supervisors. They were: â€Å"That the officer is to protect his partner, bring no drugs to his partner, no turning on another officer, never make an officer look bad in front of an inmate, lways help an officer against an inmate, do not be a goody-two-shoes, all officers stand together against all outside groups, show positive concern for all fellow officers†. (Dial Johnson, 2008) The senior officers train the trainees to help them learn the ropes of the inmates. The trainees are taught that the inmates are the enemy and can not be trusted. The first thing one is to suspect is that one can anticipate trouble at any time. More often than not there are signs of issues brewing. Look for signs of noise change whether quieter or louder. If the offender refuses to be searched then that could be a sign as well. These are all signs that a senior officer will teach a trainee to help him/her fit in the subculture of the prison. Different officers use different techniques to gain control of the inmates. Some use force some use psychological pressure. No two officers use the complete same technique or are two offenders the same. Training of racial and mental health inmates are trained by the senior officers to the new officers because it is a different subculture to face. Peer pressure is one of the issues that cause prison guards to be vulnerable or negative. The dependency on support and response of other staff , new staff orientation includes a â€Å"code of silence,† this gives a message that administration does not care about safety and will not allocate what is needed to do the job â€Å"the right way,† and which means the job gets done â€Å"our way. † (Cocoran, 2005) Without the extra training it can be it can be extra stress from the more difficult inmates and there would be more employee turnover, sick leave, and possible peer pressure from the officers trying to fit in and not being able to do so. Experienced practioners, program specialists, and evaluators conducted interviews and did observations on all shifts. This team went into the cultures formal and informal. The stresses of the job, the patterns of the job, the patterns and unique values held by the members of the shift members of the job and attitudes and behaviors. â€Å"This can cause possible misalignment of management and line staff. It can affect the core value of the policy and practices. Others understand the issues like another police officer or correctional officer. (Cocoran, 2005) If all are available to one another it is easier for officers to deal with the job stressors. Support should always come from another officer or officer support program. In the testing of the Westville Correction Center, which is a medium security prison, 100 officers volunteered to take and be involved in the survey and experiment. This was a year long experiment, which in turn lessened assaults, grievances, the number of escapes , and the amount of overtime. According to the guards, and inmates the program is to help the administration, supervisors change the culture to help prison guards and inmates with the values, norms to be positive and create policies where the everyone can be safe and treated fairly, as well establish communication through the environment where the environment practices in the institutions and promote a safe environment where people are valued for what he/she can give. A subculture at work may cause an officer to act in a way that may violate his beliefs. This can cause him/her issues at home, inner conflict, and at work. Then a coworker can come into play on helping to finding a social support group to relieve the stress and perception that has been caused from that subculture. † (Dial Johnson, 2008) â€Å"The three aspects of the social support group comes from supervision and management, helping to stop burnouts and vital in assisting with alleviating stressors, intervention in the job and work setting such as: pressure designed to force them to resign or transfer, no backing when attacked or goaded by inmates, and no support in dealing with public problems with visitors, protestors, press. (Dial Johnson, 2008) The next biggest issue of many correctional officers is not only the officers’ health issues, job efficiency, and job satisfaction is how the organization that the officers work for care about handling the needs of the officers long term. In most cases are looked at through long term surveys and testing when hiring correctional officers and afterwards by correctional facilities. If supervisor can identify what makes one’s life stressful it can help assist in making the correctional officers’ stress reduction easier. Dial Johnson, 2008) The most often caused stressors are controlling his/her own stress, recognizing and helping stressed – out workers cope with their stress, and improving physical conditions as well as mental outlook of workers. à ¢â‚¬Å"The community offers very little support to correctional officers, which causes family issues, and the divorce rate was twice that of other workers in 1983. † (Dial Johnson, 2008) â€Å"Correctional officers let off the tensions of work in wrong places (at home), excessive discipline at home, spent less time at home on days off. (Dial Johnson, 2008) Officers experiencing stress at work took it out on the family and damaged the family and caused major family damage with his/her spouse and children. Shift work, long hours, overtime made it difficult for officers to function in a family oriented capacity and weaken the ties of family support more. Shift work, long hours, and overtime make it difficult for officers to attend important family functions; further weakening his/her ties to a family support system. The most important seems to be peer support in a dangerous job like Corrections. It tends to be because of the alienation and cynicism that the officers feel. The officers that the coworkers were trustworthy had issues about the job on surveys. It was found on the surveys that often correctional officers worked against one another which caused dissatisfaction on the job. The researchers gathered data for the present paper through surveys they administered to correctional staff attending regional in-service training for a southern prison system. This region has 13 correctional institutions that oversee offenders from all custody designations. These prisons hold the death row inmates as well as the high – security prison. The survey was given seven times within three months. Then the researchers coded and tabulated the surveys. â€Å"This survey excluded people that were not in service for fewer that eight months of training. † (Dial Johnson, 2008) The person had to be in direct contact with the inmates was the only qualification for the sample selection. No demographics were made to race or gender. Women also face other issues more so than men such as cardiovascular and obstetric problems. The obstetric issues are low birth rates, preterm deliveries, and spontaneous abortions. (Dial Johnson, 2008) â€Å"Sharing information is important and this can be done at town meetings and on the department of corrections website. † (Cocoran, 2005) Like in many employment situations the officers work long hours and spend more time with coworkers and less time with his/her families. At times the officers view the coworkers view his/her a family. Often the coworkers bring in food and share it instead of eating the food cooked by the inmates. It is good for team building and unity of the coworkers even though most of the employees still will not become friends. The team building through officers bringing food and sharing is seen as a challenge for officers to care and feel pressure and can feel stress from officers. Administration can create an environment where workers are invited to show concern for one another. (Dial Johnson, 2008) Job satisfaction and job stress can be decreased if officers and supervisors can instill concern for each other between coworkers. Officers have indicated that if he/she believes that coworkers do not care about them, officers experience bitterness and burnout and officers feeling fear at the hands of coworkers than the inmates and the deceitfulness of the officers and inmates. (Dial Johnson, 2008) Some of the officers had great experiences with supervisors being positive, showing great unity with the team, and being clear minded. One officer stated he/she loved his shift and unit. (Dial Johnson, 2008) â€Å"New officers report higher levels of work stress than other officers. The survey also showed that mentors should be carefully selected for new young officers. Due to the young officers could get swallowed up by the pitfalls of prison employment. The relationship may foster between mentor and employees. † (Dial Johnson, 2008) Correctional supervisors and administration staff need to make sure that the employees have the support needed to help them stay emotional, mentality, and physically fit to deal with the daily stressors of the inmates in the institution he/she manages. If he/she sees that employee issues are starting, then he or she needs to start looking at the problems and finding solutions to the problems. It could be more than the person itself.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Listing of Atlantic 2016 Hurricane Names

Listing of Atlantic 2016 Hurricane Names Below you will find the listing of hurricane names for the Atlantic Ocean for the year 2016. For every year, there is a pre-approved list of tropical storm and hurricane names. These lists have been generated by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. At first, the lists consisted of only female names; however, since 1979, the lists alternate between male and female. Hurricane Naming Conventions Hurricanes are named alphabetically from the list in chronological order. Thus the first tropical storm or hurricane of the year has a name that begins with A and the second is given the name that begins with B. The lists contain hurricane names that begin from A to W, but exclude names that begin with a Q or U. There are six lists that continue to rotate. The lists only change when there is a hurricane that is so devastating, the name is retired and another hurricane name replaces it. Thus, the 2016 hurricane name list is the same as the 2010 hurricane name list but after the 2010 hurricane season, there may be changes to the list if names are retired so check back after the 2010 hurricane season. 2016 Hurricane Names AlexBonnieColinDanielleEarlFionaGastonHermineIgorJuliaKarlLisaMatthewNicoleOttoPaulaRichardSharyTomasVirginieWalter

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ice-cream social and a game of Jenga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ice-cream social and a game of Jenga - Essay Example Players remove and balance blocks in turns to create tall and unstable structures during the game progress (Scott, 2009). I had an opportunity to attend an ice cream occurrence where a game of Jenga was played as well. The event was creative because of the presence of several friends in attendance. Simple, appealing dà ©cors and fresh flavors were on service as people mingled with each other and played Jenga. I discovered that such events are good for meeting and making friendships. As a first time player of Jenga, I was able to discover and learn new rules of the game. I acquired skills on how to load the tray in all the 18 levels. However, the game is full of struggles because one has to balance the mental and physical aspects with the ice cream social. Matching the number of levels in the game with the possible number of moves was an uphill task too. This was attributable by the need to express the number of levels as ‘X’. The next step will be to learn the mathematical applications to win the game of Jenga (Scott,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Science and nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Science and nature - Essay Example ove the Science curriculum, the teacher may consider restructuring the curriculum by allowing the learners take part in tasks in the environment that will allow them grasp concepts in the curriculum. In the case of Science, the teacher should manipulate the environment so that it allows learners grasp concepts in the subject. This includes an environment where the learners can experiment with their senses. For the teacher to be prepared well enough to assist the learners in investigating the environment around them, the teacher must constantly assess the steps forward made by the learners. The teacher responds by assessing the moves they make in the environment and marking down their misdeeds. The teacher may also take advantage of the informal erudition practices. This emanates from the teachers’ instinct on when to act and when not to act in the learning process (Mitchell, 1992). This entails the teachers’ ability to emphasize concepts that are teachable in the course of learning. Conclusively, learning in this context takes part with the teachers reinforcing learning activities through constant supervision of the learners’

Police Brutality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Police Brutality - Research Paper Example The brutality can be in verbal form where abuses and intimidation is used or even through actions. The task of police should be to maintain law and order, but surprisingly, they involve themselves in actions that defy their responsibilities. Police more often injure arrestees after they handcuff them or even when they are at the police cells or remand. Many arrestees complain of being hurt by police officers after complying with their orders. Rogue police hit, kick, or even punch arrestees leaving them with a lot of injuries and mental torture (Elicker, 2008). At times, police use excess power when arresting people who are not resistant to the police. Only such power fit to resistant and stubborn suspects but not people who are willing to comply. Some police officers use chock holds when arresting people, which is extremely intimidating and demeaning way of handling suspects since they have their human rights till proven guilty. Some police officers go to extend of hitting arrestees and other criminal suspects with harmful and dangerous instruments like guns. This exposes the victims to permanent or short-term effects. Many police brutality victims suffer brain injuries, body deformities, and spinal cord injuries while others die (Pinizzotto et al., 2012). Some police officers perceive use of electrical shock devices as a convenient way of inducing arrest of suspects. They target getting control of the arrestee without considering the effect of the shock to the individual. Consequently, many arrestees suffer from heart attacks and other personal injuries because of the electrical shock exposed to them. Through law, police officers should use guns at the last case situation, but contrary, police shootings and killings are increasing on a daily basis. As a result, many deaths result from shooting misidentified individuals, and bystanders (Fox, 2011). Due to the high numbers of firing guns, chances of stray bullets are also high. Therefore, the number of deaths of innocent people has increased. At times, police officers use a squad car to chase after a suspect. This racing event can result to an accident, which may cause deaths or even personal injuries to the suspect and the police officers. The reckless driving of a squad car can also pose a danger to pedestrians and other road users. Police officers also expose citizens to brutality by conducting illegal searches and seizures. Generally, the law stipulates that, for a police officer to search any premise, they must present a warrant from the authorities authorizing hem to exercise the search. Unfortunately, many officers bang citizens’ houses and premises without any legal document and start their operations. In most cases if the owners demand explanations or exhibit resistance, they get a thorough beating or threats. Some police officers force their way to citizens’ premises and take property claiming to be under investigation. They offer minimum explanation or none at all to the owner. This is wrong since every individual has the right to posses property and get information whenever need arises. Many arrestees complain that police officers coerce them to honour up crimes they have not committed. The torture they undergo while under law enforcers, force them to plead guilty of others crimes and get the punishment while the real culprits go unpunished. This is not right because it exposes innocent person to a lot of mental torture and physical

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organizational Environment and Behavior of British Airways Research Paper

Organizational Environment and Behavior of British Airways - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the modern era of globalization Aviation industry is growing rapidly. This industry has many players with a strong competition among themselves. British Airways is the largest airlines company in the United Kingdom. The company was founded in 1974. Its headquarters are in London. Based on the Fleet size British Airways is the largest airlines. In 1972 British Airways Board was established by the government of UK for managing two nationalized airlines company. British European Airways, British Overseas Airways Corporation, Northeast Airlines and Cambrian Airways are the four airlines companies who merged together and formed the aviation company British Airways. Initially, for thirteen years the company was owned by the state government. In 1987 the company was privatized. British Airways is the founding member of the third largest airline's alliance that is Oneworld. This company provides international flights to international destin ations. It has flight service around 550 destinations in all over the world. It gives the customers excellent food service along with many other options for like games, TV, music, etc for satisfying its customers. The company is registered in London Stock Exchange. British Airways has established a contract to combine itself with the Iberia Airlines. The company expanded its business through different acquisitions and mergers. Until 2008 this firm was the largest airline company by the number of passengers. The company has its strong presence in Gatwick Airport. BA CityFlyer is the subsidiary of British Airways and it is the largest operator in London. The success of the company depends largely on the commitment and motivation of its employees. British Airways is a large organization with a huge number of employees. It is one of the largest airline companies in the world. The company provides many benefits to its staffs which motivates them in their work. British Airways creates a s ense of value among its employees which enrich the working environment of the company.

Organizational Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Organizational Managment - Essay Example This is because social media like facebook and twitter or even skype is the way to capture the attention of a larger group of people especially the youth and hence making it easier to know their thoughts and even challenges and way forward suggestions about health care in general. There are however also challenges and especially concerning the use of technology and social media. One of the greatest challenges is that of confidentiality which should be a priority where QI in health care is involved. There is also risk of the systems being hacked and sensitive health care information falling into the wrong hands. The other challenge is that with new changes in the QI of health care sector, there are required resources in terms of technicians qualified to handle these changes and also monetary resources to install the new systems and to advertise or even collect information over the social media. More time will therefore be necessary for the above to be completed and this may affect the current QI process in place (Sollecito and Johnson,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Organizational Environment and Behavior of British Airways Research Paper

Organizational Environment and Behavior of British Airways - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the modern era of globalization Aviation industry is growing rapidly. This industry has many players with a strong competition among themselves. British Airways is the largest airlines company in the United Kingdom. The company was founded in 1974. Its headquarters are in London. Based on the Fleet size British Airways is the largest airlines. In 1972 British Airways Board was established by the government of UK for managing two nationalized airlines company. British European Airways, British Overseas Airways Corporation, Northeast Airlines and Cambrian Airways are the four airlines companies who merged together and formed the aviation company British Airways. Initially, for thirteen years the company was owned by the state government. In 1987 the company was privatized. British Airways is the founding member of the third largest airline's alliance that is Oneworld. This company provides international flights to international destin ations. It has flight service around 550 destinations in all over the world. It gives the customers excellent food service along with many other options for like games, TV, music, etc for satisfying its customers. The company is registered in London Stock Exchange. British Airways has established a contract to combine itself with the Iberia Airlines. The company expanded its business through different acquisitions and mergers. Until 2008 this firm was the largest airline company by the number of passengers. The company has its strong presence in Gatwick Airport. BA CityFlyer is the subsidiary of British Airways and it is the largest operator in London. The success of the company depends largely on the commitment and motivation of its employees. British Airways is a large organization with a huge number of employees. It is one of the largest airline companies in the world. The company provides many benefits to its staffs which motivates them in their work. British Airways creates a s ense of value among its employees which enrich the working environment of the company.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What are the benefits of online grocery shopping Essay

What are the benefits of online grocery shopping - Essay Example In between the fundamental objectives of enlarging their market visibility is the need to meet the consumer requirements, and so was the very genesis of online shopping. Grocery stores, for instance, have taken the advantage afforded by technology, â€Å"raking in roughly $15 billion a year — about 3 percent of brick and mortar supermarkets’ nearly $600 billion sales† (Williams, 2014). Williams further notes that the industry is expected to grow at approximately 13 percent per annum, ‘making up 11 percent of all grocery sales in the next decade. Indeed there is no doubt that the ever increasing use of the Internet has more than transformed shopping experiences with quite a huge chunk of benefits that has enabled the cutting down of costs on both ends of the consumer and the service providers (Appelhans, et al. 2012; Shannon & Mandhachitara, 2008). More and more businesses are warming up towards greater use of the internet as the ultimate marketing channel t hat is both unique in very many, but certain aspects that includes convenience, real time feedback, as well as the ability of extreme comfort, and so are the opportunities offered by online Grocery stores. Any serious entrepreneur knows for a fact that time in itself is but a precious commodity, and so with regards to shopping in particular, time has that tremendous capability of significantly altering shopping behavior. Indeed it the very levels of time pressure that allow the service provides to group consumers as well as service specific target markets along this dimension. Besides the time pressure, the online Grocery stores have long known that impulse are involved in in the purchase of food products and that the consumers’ effort in searching and processing related information concerning food products should be at the very bare minimum, for time-pressured consumers strive for

Lord of Flies (Evil Nature) Essay Example for Free

Lord of Flies (Evil Nature) Essay In life, there are a lot of things that hold people back from doing what they want to do. One of the major things is the laws of society. William Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, illustrates what would happen without society. The boys behaviors change significantly throughout the novel. The boys carry their civilized behaviors with them to the island but, as time goes by without society, those behaviors are lost. When the boys are first dropped off on the island, they still have their civilized behaviors with them. Shortly after Jack is given the responsibility of leading the hunters, he is given the opportunity to kill a pig. However, Jack hesitates as he begins to â€Å"understand what an enormity the downward stroke would be† (etext) and misses his chance. Jack is still too civilized to kill the pig. The boys are also unable to come to terms with death in general at the beginning of the novel. When the boy with the mulberry birthmark dies, the boys never really talk about it and Ralph doesn’t do a count of the boys because he doesn’t want his death to become real. This illustrates how the boys still feel how normal, young boys feel and that their societal ways are still very much present on the island. As the novel progresses, the boys’ evil nature begins to become more and more present. It starts off with their hunting. Jack goes from not being able to kill a pig because he is hesitant to killing them very violently. The hunters chant, â€Å"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood† (etext). Although killing an animal doesn’t seem bad, especially because they need to in order to survive, it allows the boys to think that killing is acceptable in general. Which leads to the hunters murdering Piggy and the near death of Ralph. The author of the novel, William Golding, states that the theme of the novel involves the evil nature humans naturally have that is held inside of them because of society. This is true to a certain extent because some of the boys evil nature may be coming from the circumstance they are in. However, this is true because Golding shows as society and civilization deteriorate, so does the boys good human nature. As the boys start to realize there are no laws or other people on the island to hold them back, they start to show their true colors which is the evil nature they possess. The way humans behave is very much controlled by the type of society they are in. In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the normal society is not present causing the natural evil behaviors humans have to be presented. Eventually, as the boys begin to realize their are no laws holding them back from doing wrong, the boys start to display this evil nature.

Monday, October 14, 2019

What Gives a Region a Large-Scale Competitive Advantage?

What Gives a Region a Large-Scale Competitive Advantage? The paper titled ‘The Limits of Autarky’, written by AnnaLee Saxenian (1994)[1], considers the issues surrounding clusters of industries specifically those seen in Silicon Valley and on Route 128. By studying the two areas the author aims to discover why one region can be considerably more successful than another, despite having the same mix of technologies. It has long been recognised that there is competitive advantage to having clusters of companies working together in the same geographic region. However, what is not so clear is exactly why some areas experience considerable competitive advantage while others see little or no notable benefits. By taking a detailed look at Silicon Valley and comparing it directly with Route 128, the author aims to answer this key question, namely, what exactly gives a region such large-scale competitive advantage over other regions? Underlying this analysis, the author makes the important decision to rebut earlier presumptions made by other scholars in relation to the boundaries between internal and external economies. The author notes that in previous research there has been a tendency for scholars to draw strong distinctions and boundaries in relation to where the internal firm ends and the external economy begins. By suggesting that there is no clear-cut point between internal and external and that the region is, in fact, more akin to a social network with blurred boundaries, the author is able to take a novel and arguably more useful position when it comes to explaining differences in regions (Powell, 1996)[2]. The first area of research that the author undertakes is looking at the traditional limits of external economies and the analysis that has traditionally been done on the impact of such external economies and localised industrialisation. On a basic level of external economy of scale, analysis explains why firms will tend to cluster together so they can share resources such as transport or even talent; this is not disputed by the author and, in fact, is given greater importance by the author than it has by other modern researchers. The author does not dispute that both Silicon Valley and Route 128 are classic examples of external economies and even reinforces this concept by recognising that they are similar to 19th century industrial districts. However, the author states that there are limits to this analysis which restrict the potential use of external economies as a means of determining why one region would be so much more successful than another. Both Silicon Valley and Route 128 b enefited from the self-reinforcing position that they found themselves in, due to these external economies. For example, as new firms joined the area there was greater venture capital available allowing yet more firms to join. This in turn attracted some of the best talent in the country which allowed the areas to expand (Piore Sabel, 1984)[3]. However, the real question that the author is focusing on is how Silicon Valley became so much more successful than Route 128, despite seemingly having the same underlying situation. Starting at the same position, between the years 1975 and 1990 Silicon Valley expanded offering 150,000 new jobs in the technology field, whereas on Route 128 only 50,000 jobs were created (Saxenian, 1994)[4]. By 1990, Silicon Valley produced one third of all electronic products from the USA, with a total value of $11 billion. By which time, Route 128 had seen considerably less growth producing just $4.6 billion. It is this divergence that the author focuses on; how did two areas that were so similar in 1975 become so different? One of the first concepts that the author explores is that of a network approach. This furthers the concept stated earlier by the author that firms are not individual, autonomous entities and that the boundary between internal factors and external factors is considerably more blurred than previous research might suggest. The author successfully argues that one of the key differences between Silicon Valley and Route 128 is their approach to the way in which individual organisations network with each other within the region. Previous researchers have alluded to this difference, but the author notes that they tend to be disregarded largely as cultural differences, e.g. with California being known for its particularly laid back approach and Massachusetts for being much more risk averse. Whilst the author agrees with this and believes it may have had a bearing on the differences, she feels culture alone is not the main issue. By taking a detailed look at the culture of Silicon Valley, the author identifies that one of the fundamental differences between this region and Route 128 is that Silicon Valley actively encouraged firms to learn jointly and to share experiences. This type of mutual adjustment is something that the author believes is fundamental to the competitive advantage that Silicon Valley has established. Not only has this allowed Silicon Valley to develop some of the most complex technological products, but it has also encouraged very free labour markets ensuring that the right people are commonly found in the right jobs. Contrasting this with Route 128, the author notes that there was considerable more secrecy amongst the firms and much less in the way of sharing. These cultural differences and the way in which the networks operate in these two regions have been noted by the author to be the main reason that Silicon Valley became so much more successful than Route 128. The way in which the individual firms perceive themselves within the Route 128 region and the way in which they keep themselves distinct from other similar companies has been developed as a way of ensuring that each individual firm maintains corporate secrecy. Whilst this protective approach may seem logical, it has inadvertently caused the region to stagnate with little in terms of job movements and little or no sharing of knowledge between firms (Florida Kenney, 1990)[5]. Capturing this, the author identifies Silicon Valley as being a regional network-based system rather than being an independent firm-based system. In establishing this analysis, the author questions why Route 128 firms would employ such a strategy for victory when it was clear to see that the diametrically opposed strategy was working so well in Silicon Valley. Having recognised that this is the fundamental difference between Silicon Valley and Route 128, the author explores this competitive advantage further. It is identified that the rigidity seen within Route 128 was entirely suitable when technology was not moving quickly. Where there was no need to adapt rapidly, maintaining individual firms with their own internal knowledge base was key to maintaining a competitive advantage. However, during the 1970s, technological developments were moving rapidly and the need to share resources between firms became critical; this was not something that the firms within Route 128 were able to a dapt to, primarily down to the systems that they had established and the high levels of corporate secrecy that were inherent in their business structures (DeBresson Walker, 1991)[6]. In order to confirm what the author suspects may be the reason for Silicon Valleys competitive advantage, the author looked at Japanese industry (Imai, 1989)[7]. Networking is recognised as critical for all Japanese industries. Moreover, many smaller medium enterprises are linked together, either with agreements or joint ownership structures in order to share a greater variety of resources. This often results in geographical clusters but is not essential. What is clear, however, is that these types of collaborative clusters produce considerable efficiencies. For example, the Japanese car market is one of the best in the world and uses this network-based structure to remain competitively advantaged. Having seemingly found the reasons for Silicon Valley’s success, the author then moves on to compare and contrast two specific companies in order to see if the theory holds up in practice. The author chose to consider Apollo Computer and Sun Microsystems as the two companies were essentially similar in the 1970s; they were both technology-based start-ups with Apollo computer being established on Route 128 and Sun Microsystems established in Silicon Valley. In keeping with Route 128 culture, Apollo established itself as a very independent company even in so far as actually producing the workstations, not simply designing them. Whilst this initially offered considerable competitive advantage over competitors, it did mean that they developed systems that were entirely incompatible with any other. In contrast, Sun Microsystems, which was established in Silicon Valley, operates a very open policy for sharing information with neighbouring companies and establishing a system that is fully compatible with all other available systems. Sun Microsystems also looks at other companies actually to produce the systems as sticking to the pure design prototype building enables them to concentrate their efforts and expertise. Initially, there was very little difference in the actual performance of the two companies, but over time, Sun became considerably more profitable, as it was able to adapt much more quickly to changes in the industry. By keeping everything internally, Apollo was unable to adapt and this caused considerable decline in sales (Granovetter, 1985)[8]. These structural differences were clearly important to the relative success of the two organisations. The author then takes this one step further by stating that she actually believes the differences lie in the management style and not in the physical structure of the organisation. Apollo, for example, was very strict about business dress codes and very tight on quality controls; the new manager of Apollo, in 1984, was Thomas Vanderslice and he brought in an exceptionally strict regime which was entirely opposite to the casual and relaxed atmosphere seen in Sun Microsystems (Schein, 1985)[9]. Although this in itself should not indicate the relative success of the organisation, it was indicative of the willingness to adapt and change that Sun Microsystems had and Apollo did not. This again is typical of Silicon Valley companies in contrast with Route 128 companies. In fact, Sun’s success was so substantial that many Apollo managers left during the 1980s to join the rival compan y. This caused even further splits between the two regions as expertise began to collect in the Silicon Valley area (Nohria Eccles, 1992)[10]. Hewlett Packard was another example that the author cited as being a success for Silicon Valley. Despite being a huge organisation, it did not fall foul of becoming rigid and unable to adapt to this ever-changing industry. It maintained a nexus of almost entirely independent departments all working together but maintaining sufficient independence to enable them to react rapidly to any necessary changes (Sabel, 1988)[11]. The author draws contrast with DEC a large technological company based on Route 128, which was highly hierarchical in structure and failed to compete at this game due to its unwieldy and rigid internal structures. Conclusions By drawing together both the case studies mentioned above as well as previous research, the author has successfully demonstrated that the way in which an organisation views itself and the way in which it views its relationships with other firms in the same geographical region is critical to the ultimate success of the firm and the region in which it exists. The author concludes, correctly in my opinion, that network-based approaches offer considerable competitive advantage to a firm and the region, in particular, in industries where rapid adaptation is necessary. Collaboration vertically is essential to the success of the industry, as a whole. Corporate secrecy as is seen on Route 128 is a substantial barrier to the development of the technological industries and this has been proven to be the case. Although the author recognises that the physical structure is important to ensure openness and networking between firms, companies should also understand that management style of key firms is more influential than was originally thought. It should be noted that the author does recognise that this network-based approach may not always be suitable and that whilst it is evident that the network-based approach worked very well in the technology industry, in slower moving industries where firms must closely guard their corporate secrets, a much m ore individual firm-based approach is likely to be more successful. Comparing and contrasting Silicon Valley with Route 128 has allowed the author to explore fully and to explain successfully the potential impact of a network-based approach. The value of this comparison is immensely important for the understanding of the network-based approach and has provided valuable insight for other industries moving forwards. Bibliography DeBresson, C. Walker, R. eds. (1991). Special issue on networks of innovators. Research Policy, 20 (5). Florida, R. Kenney M. (1990). Silicon Valley and Route 128 wont save us. California Management Review, 33 (1), 68-88. Granovetter, M. (1985). Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness. American Journal of Sociology, 91 (3), 481-510. Imai, K. (1989). Evolution of Japans corporate and industrial networks. In B. Carlsson, ed. Industrial Dynamics Boston, MA: Kluwer. Nohria, N. Eccles, R., eds. (1992). Networks and organizations: Structure, form, and action. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Piore, M. Sabel, C. (1984). The second industrial divide: Possibilities for prosperity. New York: Basic Books. Powell,W., (1996). Trust-Based Forms of Governance in Kramer, R,M. Tyler,T.R. eds, Trust in Organizations. London: Sage. Sabel, C. (1988). Flexible specialization and the reemergence of regional economies. In Hirst, P. and Zeitlin, J., eds. Reversing industrial decline?: Industrial structure and policy in Britain and her competitors. Oxford, UK: Berg. Saxenian, A. (1994). Regional advantage: Culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Saxenian, A., (1994). The limits of Autarky: Beyond Networks and Industrial Adaptation in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Available at: Schein, E. (1985). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Footnotes [1] Saxenian, A., (1994). The limits of Autarky: Beyond Networks and Industrial Adaptation in Silicon Valley and Route 128. [2] Powell,W., (1996). Trust-Based Forms of Governance in Kramer, R,M. Tyler,T.R. eds, Trust in Organizations. London: Sage. [3] Piore, M. Sabel, C. (1984). The second industrial divide: Possibilities for prosperity. New York: Basic Books. [4] Saxenian, A. (1994) Regional advantage: Culture and competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [5] Florida, R. Kenney M. (1990). Silicon Valley and Route 128 wont save us. California Management Review 33 (1), 68-88. [6] DeBresson, C. Walker, R. eds. (1991). Special issue on networks of innovators. Research Policy. 20 (5). [7] Imai, K. (1989). Evolution of Japans corporate and industrial networks. In B. Carlsson, ed. Industrial Dynamics Boston, MA: Kluwer. [8] Granovetter, M. (1985). Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness. American Journal of Sociology 91 (3), 481-510. [9] Schein, E. (1985). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. [10] Nohria, N. Eccles, R., eds. (1992). Networks and organizations: Structure, form, and action. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. [11] Sabel, C. (1988). Flexible specialization and the reemergence of regional economies. In Hirst, P. and Zeitlin, J., eds. Reversing industrial decline?: Industrial structure and policy in Britain and her competitors. Oxford, UK: Berg.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

African And Native American Slavery Essays -- Slavery Essays

African and Native American Slavery The 1500's, a time of discovery, was when the Europeans came to dominate most of the New World. The Europeans traveled to Africa and captured Africans to help develop their land and satisfy their need for power. I feel that the treatment of the Indians and Africans by the Europeans was completely unjustifiable. While the Indians and Africans were less technologically advanced and the Europeans were uneducated, in this particular field, nothing can compensate for the actions of the Europeans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Europeans began to settle new lands they began their exploration of the foreign worlds. What they found was the opposite of what they expected. They found what they thought was a new breed of humans. In reality they were just Native Americans. These Indians were less technologically advanced than the Europeans. They also worshipped different and multiple gods and ate different foods. Europeans saw this as barbaric, so they treated them as barbarians. In the beginning Native Americans hadn't the faintest idea of what the Europeans had in mind when they said trade. They figured that when the White Man came and showed all that hospitality they meant it. Of course, they didn't, the Europeans captured the Indians to be used as slaves. They were also slaughtered and raped because of resistance to leave their land. If any Indians refused to leave their land they would be killed. The women were raped for...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Reason Rapists Are Going Free :: Violence Rape Essays

The Reason Rapists Are Going Free When will the men and women of our world be able to live their lives without the fear of being raped by another person? The article that will be discussed in this paper is called â€Å"The Reason Rapists Are Going Free† written by Stacy Colino. The biggest thing about this article is the fact that the DNA samples gathered in rape kits can nab sexual offenders, but the evidence often sits around collecting dust. Many men as well as women are getting away with harming another person through sexual contact with out their permission. Men as well as women can be rapped but less men will actually go to the police about it they would rather keep it under wraps because they are afraid they will be criticized for being weak which is untrue. Both, men and women are at risk for rape the scary thing is that there is a possibility that their cases will not be processed because their rape kits are not being processed efficiently. The ones that actually are processed are not always bro ught to trial. Those that are processed are thrown through the databases of convicted persons and if there is a match than it will go through the courts, and when this is all done with the victim feels worse about themselves and we promote this in our culture? The audience of this paper is those who want to be informed and those that this horrible problem has happened to. Rape is not something men and women wish to talk about but it is a relevant issue in our world. It should not be something people have to worry about in their own homes. The purpose is to inform people that the rapists can be caught and brought to trial for what they have done. The logos of the article are those who have been raped will be able to get their victimizer put away for a long time therefore the kits should be processed. The ethos that is presented in this article is if you are going to do the crime you should have to do the time as well if you are going to start reassess a case you should make sure the kit is finished. The Reason Rapists Are Going Free :: Violence Rape Essays The Reason Rapists Are Going Free When will the men and women of our world be able to live their lives without the fear of being raped by another person? The article that will be discussed in this paper is called â€Å"The Reason Rapists Are Going Free† written by Stacy Colino. The biggest thing about this article is the fact that the DNA samples gathered in rape kits can nab sexual offenders, but the evidence often sits around collecting dust. Many men as well as women are getting away with harming another person through sexual contact with out their permission. Men as well as women can be rapped but less men will actually go to the police about it they would rather keep it under wraps because they are afraid they will be criticized for being weak which is untrue. Both, men and women are at risk for rape the scary thing is that there is a possibility that their cases will not be processed because their rape kits are not being processed efficiently. The ones that actually are processed are not always bro ught to trial. Those that are processed are thrown through the databases of convicted persons and if there is a match than it will go through the courts, and when this is all done with the victim feels worse about themselves and we promote this in our culture? The audience of this paper is those who want to be informed and those that this horrible problem has happened to. Rape is not something men and women wish to talk about but it is a relevant issue in our world. It should not be something people have to worry about in their own homes. The purpose is to inform people that the rapists can be caught and brought to trial for what they have done. The logos of the article are those who have been raped will be able to get their victimizer put away for a long time therefore the kits should be processed. The ethos that is presented in this article is if you are going to do the crime you should have to do the time as well if you are going to start reassess a case you should make sure the kit is finished.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Purdue Owl

Engagement Welcome to the Purdue OWL This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue (http://owl. english. purdue. edu/). When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice at bottom. Contributors:Elyssa Tardiff, Allen Brizee. Summary: This resource describes why outlines are useful, what types of outlines exist, suggestions for developing effective outlines, and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing. Four Main Components for Effective Outlines Ideally, you should follow these four suggestions to create an effective outline.The examples are taken from the Sample Outline handout. Parallelism – How do I accomplish this? Each heading and subheading should preserve parallel structure. If the first heading is a verb, the second heading should be a verb. Example: 1. Choose Desired Colleges 2. Prepare Application (â€Å"Choose† and â€Å"Prepare† are both verbs. The present tense of the verb is usually the preferred form for an ou tline) Coordination – How do I accomplish this? All the information contained in Heading 1 should have the same significance as the information contained in Heading 2.The same goes for the subheadings (which should be less significant than the headings). Example: 1. Visit and evaluate college campuses 2. Visit and evaluate college websites 1. Note important statistics 2. Look for interesting classes (Campus and websites visits are equally significant. They are part of the main tasks you would owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/owlprint/544/ 1/4 29/10/2010 Purdue OWL Engagement need to do. Finding statistics and classes found on college websites are parts of the process involved in carrying out the main heading topics. )Subordination – How do I accomplish this? The information in the headings should be more general, while the information in the subheadings should be more specific. Example: 1. Describe an influential person in your life 1. Favorite high school teacher 2. Gran dparent (A favorite teacher and grandparent are specific examples from the generalized category of influential people in your life. ) Division – How do I accomplish this? Each heading should be divided into 2 or more parts. Example: 1. Compile resume 1. List relevant coursework 2. List work experience 3.List volunteer experience (The heading â€Å"Compile resume† is divided into 3 parts. ) Technically, there is no limit to the number of subdivisions for your headings; however, if you seem to have a lot, it may be useful to see if some of the parts can be combined. Contributors:Elyssa Tardiff, Allen Brizee. Summary: This resource describes why outlines are useful, what types of outlines exist, suggestions for developing effective outlines, and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing. Why and How to Create a Useful Outline Why create an outline?There are many reasons; but in general, it may be helpful to create an outline when you want to show the h ierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information. For research papers, an outline may help you keep track of large amounts of information. For creative writing, an outline may help organize the various plot threads and help keep track of character traits. Many people find that organizing an oral report or presentation in outline form helps them speak more effectively in front of a crowd. Below are the primary reasons for creating an outline. Aids in the process of writing owl. english. purdue. du/owl/owlprint/544/ 2/4 29/10/2010 Purdue OWL Engagement Helps you organize your ideas Presents your material in a logical form Shows the relationships among ideas in your writing Constructs an ordered overview of your writing Defines boundaries and groups How do I create an outline? Determine the purpose of your paper. Determine the audience you are writing for. Develop the thesis of your paper. Then: Brainstorm: List all the ideas that you want to include in your paper. Organize: Group related ideas together. Order: Arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete.Label: Create main and sub headings. Remember: creating an outline before writing your paper will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier. Whether you follow the suggested guidelines is up to you, but making any kind of outline (even just some jotting down some main ideas) will be beneficial to your writing process. Contributors:Elyssa Tardiff, Allen Brizee. Summary: This resource describes why outlines are useful, what types of outlines exist, suggestions for developing effective outlines, and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing. Types of Outlines and Samples Alphanumeric OutlinesThis is the most common type of outline and usually instantly recognizable to most people. The formatting follows these characters, in this order: Roman Numerals Capitalized Letters Arabic Numerals Lowercase Letters If the outline needs to subdivide beyond these divisions, use Arabic numerals inside parentheses and then lowercase letters inside parentheses. Select the â€Å"Sample Outlines† PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline. The sample PDF in the Media Box above is an example of an outline that a student might create owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/owlprint/544/ 3/4 29/10/2010 Purdue OWL Engagement efore writing an essay. In order to organize her thoughts and make sure that she has not forgotten any key points that she wants to address, she creates the outline as a framework for her essay. What is the assignment? Your instructor asks the class to write an expository (explanatory) essay on the typical steps a high school student would follow in order to apply to college. What is the purpose of this essay? To explain the process for applying to college Who is the intended audience for this essay? High school students intending to apply to college and their parents What is the essay's thesis statemen t?When applying to college, a student follows a certain process which includes choosing the right schools and preparing the application materials. Full Sentence Outlines The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the Alphanumeric outline. The main difference (as the title suggests) is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay. Select the â€Å"Sample Outlines† PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline. Decimal Outlines The decimal outline is similar in format to the alphanumeric outline.The added benefit is a system of decimal notation that clearly shows how every level of the outline relates to the larger whole. Select the â€Å"Sample Outlines† PDF in the Media Box above to download the sample of this outline. Copyright  ©1995-2010 by The Writing Lab ; The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. Please report any technical problems you encounter. owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/owlprint/544/ 4/4

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Critical Review of the Theory of Person Centred Essay

In counselling and psychotherapy, it is fundamental aspect for practitioners to use theory as a way of informing the way the work with a client. (McLeod). The goal of this essay is to explore the humanistic personality theory of Carl Rogers. The essay will begin by giving a summary of key theoretical construct which includes Rogers’s view of self, his view of human condition and his rational for improvement of these conditions and then give examples to how such instances play out in clinical practice with a client using a published case material. The essay addresses how a psychoanalytic practitioner might have approached his work differently with the same client, and finally the essay proposes and provides directions for future research. Different personality theories have put forward varieties of explanations for behaviour and what constitutes a person. Carl Rogers developed a theory of personality in the early 1940s known as a theory of client centred and later came to be called person centred theory. The theory of person centred is a theory of personality or concept of a person. The Person centred counselling is a non directive therapy that begins and ends with experience. The concept of experiencing makes the phenomenological stance very important to person centred approach. The concept of experience includes feelings, action tendencies and thoughts which is constantly changing. (McLeod) According to Rogers, both the therapist and the clients are trustworthy beings. This trust starts with the belief that people are capable of reaching their full potential and hence they do not require irect intervention from the therapist in order to understand themselves or resolve their problems. They are capable of self-directed growth or actualizing tendency if they are trusted by their therapist whose role is to establish the best possible condition for its fulfilment. The therapist aim is to constantly empower a person’s autonomy which leads to development of capacities to maintain and enhance growth towards becoming. The concept of actualising tendency is the only motivation force in the theory. (Corey, 2005). In Person centred, the ‘self is a central construct in this theory. Human beings are viewed as having individual uniqueness, with a complex personality unlike any other human being and they are acting to fulfil two needs, which are self actualization and need to be love and valued by others. Therefore person centred therapist understands that to uncover subjective perceptual world of the client can be very difficult and only clients themselves can do this with great effort. Client’s perception of their world depends on the social evaluations experiences they have had into their self concept. If a person is accepted and at the same time disapproved, their self concept is exposed to condition of worth. The ‘self’ is related to a distinctly psychological form of actualizing tendency known as ‘self actualization tendency’. This means the realization of individual potential in accordance with one’s conscious view of what one is. The development of self concept and self actualization are connected to secondary needs which are needs for positive regards from others and needs for positive self regards which are assumed to be more likely learned from childhood. Favoured behaviours are consistence with the person self concept. Locus of evaluation is another idea which is connected with the understanding of the operation of self concept. This is the idea that people could be guided by their defined beliefs and attitudes when evaluating and making judgement about issues. If they rely heavily on external evaluation they continue to be exposed to conditions of worth, and therefore, person centred therapist encourages the client to acknowledge and act based on their internal locus of evaluation. Human beings are seen has having capacity to strive for fulfilment and growth. Rogers referred this capacity as the ‘ideal self’. Enabling a person to move in the direction of their self defined ideals is major aim of the person centred therapy. Human beings are viewed as fully functioning persons who are open to experience and able to live existentially, trusting in own organism, expresses feelings freely, acts independently, are creative and lives a richer life which involve a process and a direction, and not a destination (Rogers, 1961, p. 186). Therapy can develop and psychologically change those who do not have an optimal childhood in order restore the organismic valuing process (Rogers, 1959). This idea portrays an importance strand contrast to psychoanalysis whose orientation of their theory as reflected by Freud was towards understanding and explaining pathology or illness. There are three important aspects to the therapist’s approach; congruence, unconditional positive regard and accurate empathic understanding. These are three core conditions that facilitate the actualization and growth. These conditions relate to the shared journey in which therapists and clients reveal their humanness and participate in a growth experience together. Its only when these core values are offered, that social environment is generated into client’s condition of worth. By adopting an open and caring stance in the relationship, problems are safely explored, client facades are breached and the client become empowered to direct their own life Congruence strongly refers to the authenticity and genuineness of the therapist during the therapy session. The therapist outer expression need to reflect their inner feelings, as a result this helps client to begin to adopt the same attitudes towards themselves. Being congruent and authentic also implied development of a positive alliance between the therapist and the client. However self disclosure doesn’t relate to the disclosure of all inner feelings and reaction by the therapist, but well timed and appropriate self disclosure. Unconditional positive regard refers to genuineness, acceptance and true caring of a client without any conditions. This involves true caring which is unconditional regardless of the client’s behaviour wether good or bad. There is a strong belief that if a client is cared for and accepted unconditionally, they begin to experience a sense of worthiness. This also empowers the client to respect themselves by listening and trusting their inner feelings. The therapist behaviour needs to communicate a warm, caring and an acceptance atmosphere which empowers the client to express their feelings freely, without having fear of losing their therapist acceptance. Empathic understanding refers to therapist deep and sensitive understanding of their client’s feelings as they emerged during therapy session. The therapist endeavour to understand their clients’ experiences in the here-and-now. This implies that the therapist view and sense the client’s world as their own, but without being caught in them. Reflection and clarification are the two processes involve in the facilitation of empathetic understanding. The therapist reflects back to client what they have said in order to reflect non judgemental understanding of client statements and conveyance of their presence in their client’s journey. This encourages client to become reflective themselves. Clarification involves the therapist repeating the meaning of the expressions to the client after hearing a set of remarks from them. Recently there have been new development in person centred theory although the root of the theory is still based on Rogerian’s ideas. Mearns and Thorne (1988) wrote the classic ‘manual’ of person centred practice, but their idea too, were largely based on early work and knowledge. These have been debated by many, but it was until in the 1990s that saw considerable new ideas which have achieved greater support among the person centred community. These crucial ideas are the pluralistic self, the nature of relational depth, and the concept of difficult process. The pluralistic self refers to idea that there is existence of different parts of self, which stands for specific units of the experiences and individual’s identity. Different approaches such as gestalt, object relation and theory of transactional analysis have incorporated the idea of ‘pluralistic self’, as central to their practice. However this idea is not far from Rogers, description of self. Even though Rogers view self as a unitary structure, he acknowledged that changes occurred during process of growth, fulfilment and self actualization but influenced by internal conflict. Mearn and Thorne (2000) looked further on this issue and argue that practitioners and theorist view the self differently, and therefore there have always been an indirectly ‘self split’ between ‘growthful part’ of the self and ‘not for growth part’. For example, depressed have unpleasantly blamed their feelings, thoughts and action frequently, although this criticism have been viewed as beneficial to others, as it helps them to understand their inner critic and become knowledgeable about this specific part of self. Other researchers have raised the idea that the self can be a group of related voices, which have been found to be useful to person centred tradition. (Still & Glick 2002 ). In Person centred practice it elieved that the key to effective counselling depend on the quality of therapeutic relation, however Roger’s core conditions accounts for limited in-depth explanation about therapeutic relation, neither is Border (1979) alliance model. (Cooper 2004. ). In attempt to a more comprehensive explanation of highly productive therapeutic relation, Mearn and Cooper (2005) came up with their analysis of the nature of relational depth which means a very intense state where individuals’ engagement and contact is tr uly real with each other, and in which the connectedness and sense of contact between therapist and client is continuous. Schimid (2007) argues that the therapist needs to open and understands the other side of the client by seeking and establishing ‘Thou-I’relationship,in order for the client to feel a sense of real connectedness in the relationship. Finally, the concept of difficult process developed by (Warner 2002a) refers to the idea an individual perceive their world differently and process their experiences such as thoughts feelings and action tendencies differently. However person centred practitioners have always generalised model of process for clients regardless of situations. According to Warner (2002a) there are two main difficult processes, the first one is called fragile process which occurs due difficulty in maintaining or the steady processing experiential material. In this process the person lose the problematic feelings and thoughts and all that he was exploring disappears. The other difficult process is called dissociated process which occurs when a person jumps from one area of experience to another. This may be due to a client trying to protect painful memories and diverting his attention to a unimportant things. Mearn and Thorne (2007) included a further example of difficult process known as Ego-syntonic process which means a person becomes self centred due to fear of social relationships. Prouty et al (2002), suggest that in order for a person to begin to emerge from difficult process and fully engaged with her experiences there is a need of attentive empathic engagement by the therapist.